

The internationalization of Portuguese fashion is the motto for a double reflection session, to be held by Portugal Fashion next Friday, June 30, at the ANJE headquarters in Porto. Organized as part of the closure of the Next Step project, the initiative aims to bring together professionals from the fashion sector for a moment of […]

The internationalization of Portuguese fashion is the motto for a double reflection session, to be held by Portugal Fashion next Friday, June 30, at the ANJE headquarters in Porto. Organized as part of the closure of the Next Step project, the initiative aims to bring together professionals from the fashion sector for a moment of networking and learning about the challenges and opportunities for the growth of Portuguese brands in the global market.

In a round table that intends to become a reflection extended to the audience – with questions and answers -, designers who participated in different types of action throughout the international promotion period of the Next Step project will be present, namely the duo Ernest W. Baker and designer Estelita Mendonça, accompanied on the panel by Showroom Manager Carla Reis. The theme will be “Showrooms, Digital Platforms and Tradeshows – Strategies and Challenges”, in order to analyze trends, identify opportunities and share difficulties and goals.

In a second conversation, a reflection more focused on new brands and emerging talents will be promoted. Maria Carlos Baptista, winner of the Bloom Competition in 2020, challenges the designer responsible for the brand Huarte, honorable mention in the same edition of the talent competition, to share his inaugural experience in the world of international sales. The one-to-one conversation, also open to the professional audience, intends to analyze the difficulties faced by young designers, as well as the development potential when leveraged by projects of this nature.

The event will end with a networking cocktail, providing an additional opportunity for participants to interact and establish valuable contacts in the fashion industry.

The event NEXT STEP – INTERNATIONALIZE THE PORTUGUESE FASHION is part of the NEXT STEP project, which is promoted by ANJE – Associação Nacional de Jovens Empresários (National Association of Young Entrepreneurs), and funded by Portugal 2020, under the Compete 2020 – European Regional Development. Competitiveness and Internationalization Operational Program, and co-financed by the European Union, through FEDER – European Regional Development Fund.

The event is open to the public, but with limited capacity. Register here.